Showing posts with label spotify. Show all posts
Showing posts with label spotify. Show all posts

Tuesday, 24 July 2018

Why do I need PPL and PRS and what do they do?

We have moved this content to and added more content on our new website:

PPL and PRS for Music are the UK's two music licensing societies.

PPL represents performers and record companies. PRS for Music is
a society of songwriters, composers and music publishers. Both
organisations ensure that the creators and performers of music are
paid when their music is used in public.

PPL PRS Ltd is a new joint venture between PPL and PRS for Music.
They have recently joined forces to make it easier for their customers
to obtain a music licence for the playing or performance of music in public.  

The purpose of PPL PRS Ltd is to ensure that writers and performers are
fairly rewarded for their talent, but also to support those who use music
on a daily basis.

What is TheMusicLicence?

TheMusicLicence allows you to legally play and perform music in your
business, whether through the radio, TV, other devices and or through
live performances.

If you play or perform music in your business or organisation in the UK,
you will usually need TheMusicLicence. It will cover you, with one licence
and one invoice, for the use of virtually all commercially released music
available; millions of songs and recordings, including the most popular
and well-loved music not just from the UK but also from around the world.

Can I play Spotify or Apple Music in my Business?

The simple answer is no. In business terms, music streaming services
come in two forms; B2C (Business to Consumer) and B2B (Business to
Business). The core music streaming services offered by companies like
Spotify and Apple Music are B2C built for consumers, not businesses.
This means they are licensed for private, non-commercial use (perfect
to use at home with your friends & family). You need to purchase
TheMusicLicence to play music in public places, including to your
customers and employees.

But I have purchased iTunes Music so surely I can play this?

It is common in our digital age to be confused as to whether we own our
digital content. When you pay to download music or even movies for
that matter, you are essentially purchasing a license; you are leasing the contentFurthermore, you may only play this music in a non-commercial setting. You can listen to the songs yourself as much as you like, but it is illegal to play them in public. iTunes music on your iPod, iPad, iPhone, CDs, MP3s or digital files can not be used for background music in a commercial environment. Playing the downloaded music in your business violates copyright law because the act is now considered a public performance.
Public performances require TheMusicLicence.

What are Professional Creative Music Agencies?

Professional Creative Music Agencies create playlists of tracks to create
unique atmospheres and distinct brand identities for their clients.  All
music chosen by these agencies is covered by TheMusicLicence.
CGA Integration always recommends using this service, as you have
the peace of mind that when you purchase TheMusicLicence, all of your playlist will be covered. You also have the added benefit that the perfect playlist has been created specifically for your business.