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Before the Coronavirus pandemic, BYOD was the ‘buzzword’ for meetings. Hospitality venues wanted to ensure that their meeting and conference rooms allowed delegates to connect and collaborate on screen seamlessly and wirelessly from any device as part of an event, without the need for dedicated hardware, lots of messy cables or a lengthy setup process.
Then the pandemic hit, and with it came remote working, video conferencing and social distancing. BYOD seemed a thing of the past.
With the goal posts on social contact continually shifting, the world of meetings has evolved. Over the past year we have all become experts on Zoom Meetings and using Teams, with each of us operating from our own homes in whatever space is available. But with this has come the frustrations of internet connections dropping out, distraction and noise from others working or learning in our households and the yearning for in person social interaction.
As restrictions are gradually lifted and people are able to meet in person once more, although the need for BYOD hasn’t gone away, the primary need for meetings will be to link remote delegates with those who are able to meet in person, socially distanced, within the meeting room.
Enter ‘The Hybrid Meeting’.
With everyone now capable of running video conferences and meetings via their own device at home, BYOD has evolved into BYOM (bring your own meeting). BYOM systems enable you, with a few simple connections, to deliver your meeting on the infrastructure of a hospitality venue’s meeting room, with all the technological benefits that brings; a large screen, installed quality sound and microphone systems and surroundings more conducive to an effective working environment. This inturn enables those colleagues who are present in person to join with remote colleagues dialing in, where everyone can see the same screen viewed in the room. The good BYOM systems have all the functionality of BYOD, but are delivered in the room as well as on the call or stream of remote colleagues.
Large scale BYOMs can be set up at Hospitality venues to host presentations and conferences for larger numbers of delegates. You can now run meetings in your larger spaces with a video call or stream going out to remote delegates, routing presenters, radio microphones and on screen presentations to a stream or call, as well as showing this on screen for the distanced delegates in the room. This type of hybrid meeting is easily achievable in house, but when numbers of delegates are particularly large, you may want to get your events company involved to ensure that the event runs smoothly for all delegates, wherever they are, and to make the event as dynamic as possible.
To fully embrace Hybrid Meetings on whatever scale, you need to get the in-room AV infrastructure right.
CGA is here to help you get the most from your meeting rooms. If you would like to find out how your current AV system can be modified to address the issues we face in these current times, why not give us a call?
Whatever type of meeting you are facilitating, and however technology evolves to meet the needs of our ever changing world, CGA can advise you. Why not give us a call on 01344 456500 and see how you can unlock your hybrid meeting potential today.
CGA Integration … Making hospitality sound great!
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